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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Revising My GAME Plan

I feel like I have gained even more knowledge in the world of technology since the beginning of this course. I have learned new and exciting software and social networking sites as well as learning more about some technologies that I thought I new all about! Best of all, my students are benefiting from this knowledge because I have been teaching them most of the new and exciting technologies as I learn.

I also believe that I am more aware of the NETS-T and the importance of each standards. My GAME plan has evolved. I went form a broad lengthy GAME plan to a more specific plan that focuses on just one factor for each goal.

Facilitating and Inspiring Students Learning and Creativity was my first NETS-T standard. I took that standard and modified it to the following:

1. Students will create meaningful age-appropriate activities that incorporate technology and promote creativity.

I am still using many of the resources that I found or that my classmates shared on their blog postings to promote creativity but I have also started to let me students find various activities on our school's "Student Intranet". This "Student Intranet" is our schools version of the Internet for kids. All of the website on this page are safe and wonderful for students to use. I think it's important to get students feedback in the classroom and having them help to find creative technology activities is one way to keep them engaged with technology.

My second NETS-T standard that I chose was Design and Develop Digital-Aged Learning Experiences and Assessments.

Here is the goal I created for this standard:

2. Students will use various forms of technology indepentently and interdependently to show their understanding of the particular subject being taught.

Last week I talked my lesson for application where students research cultures on a particular continent, compare and contrast the cultures to their own, and present their information. Since then I added the steps of researching how the particular culture celebrates Christmas. My students are really enjoying this project as they work on their own and in their small group. They also get plenty of time to use the computer and other resources. I have not really done much else for this goal since this project is taking up the last two weeks leading up to Christmas.

For now, I am happy with my progress in the world of technology and I am also pleased with the materials my students have learned about and learned how to use. I look forward to setting new goals for my GAME plan in the future.


  1. Mrs. Winner,
    It sounds like to me that you have learned a great deal from this class and this is a good thing. I like two point that you have made and they are first everything that you are learning you are sharing it with your students. Your students are getting a masters education and they do not even know it. Second the student Intranet sound wonderful and awesome. It must feel nice that you can take them on something without thinking they are going to see or read something they shouldn’t. Great Job!

  2. Just wanted to tell you that your revisions are terrific. Also clear to see your are using your game plan. The modification to add christmas customs to your lesson plans, your overall sharing of knowledge with your students, and most impressive your obvious dedication to continually growing as an educator. Impressive!

  3. James, the students intranet is truly awesome and I am so glad my students have access to something like that.

    Kelly, Thank you for you kind words. I've been really trying to reach my GAME plan goals!

  4. Mrs. Winner,
    Like you, I feel like I have learned so much about the world of technology since the beginning of this course. Unlike you, I have not used what I have learned with my students yet because a gym is not the ideal place to use most of these tools. I think it is great that you are willing and able to share what you are learning with your students! Good luck with your GAME Plan in the future.
