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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

I know how important it is for my students to understand NETS-S. I say this because I know how important it is for my to the the NETS-T standards.

In order to show students the importance of these standards I would start by showing them my GAME plan. I would take the time to describe my goals and why they are important to me. I would also have my students brainstorm ways that I tried to reach these goals in the classroom. Following this discussion I would pull up NETS-S on the mimio for the class to review. Together we would point out each standard and discuss what each indicator means.

Finally, we would create our own "Classroom GAME Plan". Since my students are young I think starting with a group GAME plan and reviewing the plan as a class periodically would be a good way to demonstrate the importance of the technology standards. Together we can help each other be successful and achieve our goals.


  1. Julie,
    A group GANE Plan is a brilliant idea. As you point out, the process would encourage collaboration and peer support with achieving the class goals. A great way to build a team environment. I really love it!

  2. Thanks for your kind thoughts Kelly!

  3. Julie,

    I think using a group GAME plan is a great idea since you teach younger students. Eventually, you may be able to have your students create a GAME plan with a partner. Creating a game plan will allow your students to team up and work together for a common goal and purpose.

    Great idea!


  4. Julie,

    Your "Classroom Game Plan" sounds like a wonderful idea. I think I will try this with my class first, then move on to individual plans.


  5. Julie,
    I like your idea of doing a group GAME Plan since your students are younger!
