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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Using Blogs in the Classroom

Hello one and all! For my assignment in my online class I was asked to post an idea of how I would use a blog in my classroom. Here are two of my thoughts...

I teach first grade. Since I am new to blogging, I my first goal would be to use a blog to post important information about my classroom. I would create a blog that would have our classroom constitution, spelling and vocabulary words, weekly homework, the school handbook, Ohio Academic Content Standards, etc. This would be a place of reference for my students and parents. Even though my school district has their own web page, I feel that a classroom Weblog would definitely be a way to customize information for my room.

My other thought was to be able to post various projects, writings, and other classroom activities onto my classroom blog. This would be a way for students to see their work "displayed" somewhere other than in the hallway. I also think that I could slowly begin to demonstrate and teach my students to upload information onto a blog.

So there are my thoughts. Again, I'm new to the blogging world and I look forward to other thoughts and suggestions on incoorperating blogs into a young elementary classroom.


  1. I think your ideas for using a blog in your classroom is a great idea, especially for your age group. Putting projects and writings on the internet is a great way to allow parents and other family members to have access to their children's work. Showcasing students' work is always positive reinforcement for them, and it can be motivation for them to work harder because other people (other than their own teacher) will be viewing their work for other reasons than just grading.

    The only problem that I could possibly forsee with this is parents' hesitation to putting their childs' info on the internet. An easy way to combat this is to use only first names and last initials or, as I did with my own class, we came up with screen names that they used to sign each post.

    I hope you try it out. There is definitely a learning curve to the whole process, but it's also very rewarding!


  2. Hello, when reading your first idea about putting all the information about your class on the blog page made me think that should be more for a home web site. Someplace where blogging does not take place but where you can show work and it is a place of reference. I see blogging more of a tool to use for conversation. Maybe giving a homework assignment that a parent could sit down with their child might be a good idea. Then the students can see other comments and parents can get an idea in what you are doing in class. This is just an idea.

  3. I think you have great ideas for your blog. Posting student work online will make the students proud of their work. I teach 4th grade and my students always ask for me to upload their work to our class website. I know your 1st graders will feel the same way.

    You mentioned that your school has a website. Do you have a personal teacher page for your classroom? I think this would be the best place for you to upload homework assignments, vocabulary words, and state standards.

    I think your blog would be used best to upload student work. I think even though you teach first grade, you could allow the students to make comments (with your help) on their peers assignments. I really think this would help create a community of learners.

  4. Bethanne, I completely agree. My plan would be to come up with screen names in order to protect the identity of my students. Thanks for reminding me of this.

    I also agree with jleonard6135 and Ashley on their suggestions of creating a classroom website. I think a class website is a good idea. I plan on creating a classroom website in the future. I believe this would be a place of reference to all of my classroom information. That is how I would utilize my classroom website.

    In the future, with a website and blog set in place, I would use my classroom blog for a showcase of student work. This would also be the place where parents could communicate thoughts, comments, concerns, ,etc.

    Thanks for all your suggestions. It made me evaluate my thoughts and gave me ideas for the future
