I had the chance to browse a website called Partnership for 21st Century Skills. The URL for this website is: http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/index.php. This site intrigued me because I am a new learner when it comes to 21st Century Skills and learning.
I was impressed with the amounts of information that was provided under each topic tab. I also felt the graphic of the 21st Century Framework was a bit confusing to interpret until I clicked the "Learn More" link under the graphic.
Another useful resource for me on the website was a Power Point presentation. I clicked the "Tools and Resource" tab on the homepage then chose the "Speakers Bureau" link. There is a P21 Presentation that will appear around the middle of the screen. Once I clicked the link I was able to get a more simplified explanation on both the 21 Century Skills and MILE Guide.
As a teacher in Ohio, I was excited to see information about Ohio under the "State Initiatives" tab. I was able to find information about the state of Ohio and what is being done to promote 21st Century learning. Although Ohio is improving in 21st Century learning in the classroom, there is still lots of changes and improvements to be made. I feel the same about myself and what I am trying to promote 21st Century learning in my classroom. Each day I think about how I can encourage 21st Century learning to my young first grade minds. It can be a challenge at times, but little by little this learning is taking place in my room!
Overall, I feel this website provides plenty information about what 21 Century Learning is and what schools are doing to improve. There is also information about professional development opportunities for teachers to attend. I don't feel, however, that a teacher could find lessons or activities on this website.
Online Learning in K-12 Schools
13 years ago