After reviewing the International Society for Technology in Education's NETS for Teachers I was able to choose, examine, and come up with my GAME plan fro each
I chose to create a GAME plan for indicator #1 which is
Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. This indicator focuses on technology, subject matter, and learning to promote creativity. Here is my GAME plan.
G (goal): My goal for this indicator is to create meaningful, exciting, and age appropriate lessons and activities that allow students to be creative and inventive. I also want to promote problem solving whether it be while collaborating with others or by oneself.
A (action): In order to achieve this goal I will construct exciting and hands-on activities that incorporate various forms of technology. I will also promote collaboration by having students contribute to small projects for the assigned activities. Finally, I will model the importance of working independently as well as in a group. Modeling how to use various technologies and activities are a huge importance so I will be sure to do so frequently.
M (monitor): I think watching students and observing students is one of the best ways to monitor students and their understanding of their subject matter. I will observe students as they embrace their creativity while constructing their project. I will be able to see what students are struggling. If I see students struggling to complete their projects independently then I will be sure to take action and rethink a new plan to make the student(s) successful.
E (evaluate): To evaluate the students I will look at the project they created to give me an idea of what students have learned and how they expressed themselves and what they learned through technology. This evaluation will also let me know what students still need to work on. Students will choose one of the projects that I modeled for them previously.
I chose to create a GAME plan for indicator #2 which is
Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. This indicator focuses on designing and customizing technology experiences for students. Here is my GAME plan.
G (goal): My goal for this indicator is to create technology-rich lessons and activities that maximize learning. I want students to be active participants for their own learning and to be able to create and produce a variety of projects by using technology.
A (action): The actions I will take in order to achieve my goal is to keep myself current by exploring and researching new forms of technology, discussing technology with my co-workers and peers, and attend various professional development opportunities that pertain to technology. I will also look at my current lesson plans and evaluate how I could successfully incorporate technology into my lessons. I will create differentiated activities so my students have choices on how they wish to complete the activities.
M (monitor): I will monitor myself and my students in many ways. First, I will monitor myself by taking a look at the time each day that I spend incorporating technology into my lessons. I will monitor my students by observing their learning. I will also look at my students formative and
summative assessments/projects to see if what they are creating follows the directions of each lesson. If my students are not showing the success that I had anticipated then I know that changes will have to be made.If my students are successful in what they are creating then I will know that I achieved my goal.
E (evaluate): To evaluate my students I will create rubrics that correspond with each activity/project. I will also
conference with each students and together we will reflect on what they learned and discuss their project and how it relates to the materials that were taught. This entire process will take time and patience for my students and I. We are learning and growing together.